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Registration System

Welcome to the Australian Health Promotion Association Registration System.

This system allows you to apply for registration as an International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) Registered Health Promotion Practitioner, and shows that you have met the required minimum IUHPE Competency Standards.

Benefits of Registration include:

  • Improved career opportunities nationally and internationally
  • Enhanced professional recognition
  • Improved confidence in the profession
  • Consistency in interpretation of standards and codes of practice
  • Use of an internationally recognised brand on promotional materials

Registration lasts for three years and the fee for registration is discounted if you are an AHPA member.

Join AHPA now to save!

To maintain your IUHPE Registered Health Promotion Practitioner registration you will be required to participate in an ongoing CPD activity program.

To start your application, please select Sign up and start below. To resume an application that is in progress, select Continue your application. To renew your registration, select Reregister.

Sign up and start   or    Continue your application   or    Reregister

Sign up and start your application

Continue your application or Reregister


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